Feedback from exhibitors and visitors to Prodexpo 2024
Sergey Chernyaev, Deputy Governor of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug–Yugra at the regional group stand
“Participation in Prodexpo is already a tradition for us. We are here for the fourth time. Today we represent eleven producers. Why Prodexpo? Because it is a good Russian and international platform for finding contacts. In business, contacts and those who possess information are very important.
“In addition, on the sidelines of Prodexpo there will run a conference programme, in particular, a plenary session. This is also very important for public authorities to understand the trends and tendencies that exist in our country to support business and production in the food industry.
“Our stand speaks for itself. This is quality, green technologies, organics... We have brought here the best producers. These are fish and meat products, wild fruits, chips made of reindeer moss, i.e. those ‘specialties’ that Yugra is rich in. Earlier, as a result of good contacts at Prodexpo, our producers got export contracts and access to Belarus, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. Participants exchange their best practices at the exhibition and gain access to foreign markets.”
Natalia Rogotskaya, President at the Yaroslavl Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry
“We are at Prodexpo again. We are here every year and we are very happy about it, because companies see the effectiveness of trade shows. An industry exhibition is an indicator of the whole industry, its development trends, and, most importantly, it is communication of professionals. We are here with the group stand of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Yaroslavl region. This is a tradition that has proven itself over the years and which is in demand by our enterprises. We have excellent partnership relations with EXPOCENTRE, whose high level of professionalism I would like to note.”
Valery Denisenko, Director at the Chelyabinsk Region International Cooperation Agency
“Our main objectives are to sell goods and promote the producers of the Chelyabinsk region. Food production is one of the main areas of the region’s economy, where about 15% of GDP comes from agriculture. Accordingly, this trade show plays an important role in the life of the region and our enterprises. Annual participation in Prodexpo brings its result: both export and regional contracts. For us, the exhibition fulfills its tasks.”
Dejan Delic, Director at Representative Office of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia in Russia
“We are celebrating our 30th year of participation in Prodexpo. Serbia, as a strategic partner, is represented at the trade show by friendly partner companies that offer Serbian high-quality products: dairy products, frozen vegetables, confectionery, etc.
“This year, 15 Serbian companies are participating in the exhibition. The participation takes place at the quality level of the national pavilion. Every year, Serbian companies at this exhibition receive more and better services. Our pavilion now occupies 156 sq. m. Next year we will definitely rent more space.
Almir Ribeiro Americo, Head of the APEX-Brasil Russian office
“Participation in Prodexpo is a traditional moment of our work in Russia. I represent APEX-Brasil, Brazilian Export Development Agency. We have been participating in Prodexpo for almost 20 years. Our presence here has been more extensive. But still, despite all the current difficulties, we were able to provide our annual stand. For our companies, the Russian market has always been strategically important. We need to increase trade, and we cannot afford not to participate in Prodexpo, as the exhibition is very effective.”
Alexandra Sharetskaya, Head of the Cluster Development Centre of the Leningrad region
“This is the fourth time that the Leningrad region has taken part in Prodexpo. Our stand is getting bigger, which is no accident. This is happening because the interest of companies in the exhibition is growing significantly. We felt such a qualitative leap last year. This year we are seeing an even greater number of pavilions here. This gives us confidence that our companies will find as many useful contacts as possible.
“This year we already have 17 exhibitors at our stand. Among them are companies that have established themselves and already have a market share. But most of the stand is occupied by new small businesses, which can show themselves here, find new partners and markets.”
Natalia Skornyakova, Trade Marketing and Advertising Director at POSPEL Group
“We produce pelmeni, cutlets, dumplings and ice cream. We have more than 50 registered trademarks. Since 2008, we have taken part in the Prodexpo exhibition. We meet our partners and have feedback, which is very valuable for us. We com into new business contacts. With the help of Prodexpo, we export our products to Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Mongolia and Azerbaijan. The trade show is very effective for us. Every year we have very good business contacts that we establish here. We have participated in Prodexpo and will continue doing it.”
Hela Hannachi, Trade Representative of the Embassy of the Republic of Tunisia in Russia
“We participate in Prodexpo also because the demand for Tunisian products has increased and we expect that it will continue to increase. Two factors pushed us to take part in this exhibition: firstly, the fact that the event attracts a very large number of visitors, and secondly, now is a very favourable moment in terms of the calendar period, when there are many requests for our products. We are expecting very good results, because from day one we have seen a lot of interest in our products and there are even preliminary sales contracts already in place.”
Ksenia Kobzar, Brand Manager of Major Agro project
“We have participated in the Prodexpo exhibition for the fourth year in a row. Our main goals are to tell about our products and, of course, to make sales, including small wholesale to small entrepreneurs in different cities. We always have good results after Prodexpo.
“I believe that Prodexpo is currently the leader in Russia in terms of food exhibitions. Here we have our partners who, just like us, want to tell about the existence of organic products on the market. In addition, this exhibition is a great tool for finding contacts. Here I can meet partners that I am unlikely to find on the Internet, simply because it may be a small producer that does not have a large advertising budget, so it will not appear in the first lines of the search, and I simply will not know about it.”
Darya Buzdina, Head of Export Promotion Department at Tula Region Export Support Centre
“Prodexpo is an international exhibition, which strongly encourages our companies to participate in it, and this year we have seven companies represented at the group stand, and three more companies have individual stands.
“Participation in trade shows, especially in such large ones as Prodexpo, is very effective for companies. I observe how companies keep lists, attach business cards and hold negotiations at the stand.
“It is also very convenient that the trade show is not sector-specific, as any company can find partners here, even companies specialising in raw materials.”
Irina Ivashchenko, Commercial Director at Torgovyi Dom Shokolada
“Torgovyi Dom Shokolada (Chocolate Trading House) has exhibited at Prodexpo since 2018. We like this trade show very much and from year to year, we choose different pavilions to interest different customers, as our assortment includes both classic chocolate and those related to healthy eating.
“The trade show is very interesting, and we are seeing a very large flow of visitors. For example, many representatives of Chinese business come to our stand, and we have already attracted several interesting and important clients with whom I hope we will establish long-term relationships.”
Chang Shunjun, Account Manager at Beijing Okay Trade
“This is the first time we have taken part in the Prodexpo exhibition in Russia. Our company is engaged in supplying foodstuffs. Many people came up and tried our products, and they liked the daifuku and macaroons best of all.
“We want to sell our products in Russia, and the exhibition gives us the opportunity to find a suitable distributor. Our company will definitely attend the trade fair next year and show new products.”
Saida Dzharimok, Chief Specialist at Republic of Adygea Export Support Centre
“No matter how many times I travelled to different countries and attended different trade shows, I don’t think I've ever seen as big as Prodexpo. There are eight pavilions here, plus Forum, plus Central Pavilion: a very large area, a wide variety of companies represented and, of course, a large number of visitors. It seems to me that every year there are more and more international companies at the exhibition.
“For companies, Prodexpo is an opportunity not only to get in contact with international companies, but also to communicate with Russian retail chains, increase their sales and thus contribute to the increase and expansion of company production. As far as interaction at the exhibition is concerned, we communicate with people we know from year to year and have already got used to each other, which makes cooperation much easier.”
Olga Dolmatova, Deputy Director at Vologda Information and Consultation Centre for Agricultural Sector
“For the first time we visited Prodexpo in 2016. Then the Vologda Oblast did not participate with a group stand, did not bring its producers specifically to negotiate, but we appreciated the scale and importance of this event. Since 2017 we have ordered a group stand of the Vologda Oblast producers without fail. For us, this is not just a trade show, but a very significant event. We bring many agreements and contracts for the supply of products to our region and the purchase of raw materials from other regions and even countries.
“If we started with a small area for negotiations, now we have a large stand, and it is much more profitable for us to bring out several enterprises at once, because sometimes it is not just one area of activity that is of interest, but, as a rule, a range of different industries.
“I hope that for Russia as a whole, such events will allow us not only to overcome the problems we are facing today, but also to expand the geography of sales.”
Marat Kulbaev, Specialist at Kabardino-Balkar Republic Export Support Centre
“The exhibition is very effective. Many foreigners come here, people make agreements here, and for all representatives of the industry, Prodexpo is a real event that is awaited for a whole year. As a representative of the Export Support Centre, I can say that everyone really wanted to come here, but unfortunately, we could not take everybody.
“This is where people find each other, which is why business representatives are keen to visit the exhibition. They go for the result. Not just to show off, but to bring the results to their region.
“The efficiency of Prodexpo is really high, which is evidenced at least by how hard it is to book a stand first, because they are already being booked for next year, even though the exhibition is not even over yet.”
Roman Stepanov, Owner of Stepanov OOO
“This year is our debut year; we have never taken part in the Prodexpo exhibition before. Our company, Stepanov Production Company, has been professionally producing jellied meat for 25 years. We want to show our product not only to the buyers of federal retail chains, but also to the general public and, let's say, to seriously enter the federal level. And it worked out 100%, because for these few days a huge number of people visited our stand and tasted our products. I believe that such a large format of the exhibition is very effective and convenient.”
Kazem Jalali, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Russia
“Relations between Iran and Russia are developing rapidly. Very good platforms are created to demonstrate the capabilities of Iranian and Russian companies. Prodexpo creates all conditions for Iranian companies and their representatives to visit it. We have at our disposal a large pavilion where all Iranian representatives are exhibited: the most important companies and producers.
“This trade show is a big step towards sales of goods on the Russian market. Many companies that demonstrated their products have already sold their goods on the Russian market for several years, and those companies that are still at the beginning of their journey were able to attract the attention of customers and Russian partners.
“Companies from different countries can exchange experience here. Thanks to this event, we get to know representatives of other countries in the Russian land. Prodexpo is one of the most successful trade shows in Russia. Thanks to your experience, the show is getting better every year. I believe that holding this event is very useful for all partners.”
Inna Gulak, Deputy Director at Krasnodar Region Export Support Centre
“The Krasnodar region has taken part in Prodexpo since 2019 as part of a group stand. This event is a success, and the demand for it grows every year. To date, the number of those wishing to participate who contact our centre exceeds many times the opportunities we can provide to potential producers.
“Every year, despite the difficult political situation, the number of foreign buyers and exhibitors increases, which allows our participants to expand the geography of sales and find new markets. The format of this event meets the needs of our producers to the maximum extent possible, which is why Prodexpo is in great demand, and our participants are always satisfied, because the results almost always exceed expectations.
Yulia Tyupina, Manager at Primorsky Krai Export Support Centre
“The Primorsky Krai Export Support Centre started its activities at the Prodexpo exhibition in 2023. Based on the results of last year’s exhibition, we presented companies that will be able to interest distributors as well as foreign representatives and, as a result, have a positive impact on the development of exports in our region.
“Primorsky Krai, due to its location, has a lot of fish and fish products, but in addition, in recent years we have had a chocolate factory and a company producing dietary supplements. We thought why not bring all these companies together in a small place instead of making a big stand for one organisation.
“Due to the fact that we have had support for small and medium-sized businesses for the last two years, this event is a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs. As Prodexpo is an international trade show, all distributors and entrepreneurs of Russia have gathered here.”
Yulia Orlova, Lead Manager at Volgograd Region Export Support Centre
“We, as the Volgograd Region Export Support Centre, have organised a group stand at the Prodexpo exhibition for five years now. I can say that our companies always fight for a place in the line-up of the Prodexpo exhibitors, so there is always a very great excitement. The current companies have already held as many negotiations as possible on the first day. They are very satisfied, and there are still a few days to go, so we expect this fifth year of our participation in Prodexpo to be fruitful.
“We chose our companies to take part in the exhibition in such a way that they would present the most diverse products possible. That is, we have food packaging, canned food and bakery products. All the companies are in demand, and many visitors approach them and are interested in their products.
“For our companies, this trade show provides a very good foothold for development on international markets. Companies always sign export contracts after Prodexpo, so it is as convenient and comfortable as possible for us to take part in this event.”
Alexey Utusikov, Sales Development Manager at Achaluki
“We have been participating in Prodexpo for quite a long time, about 10 years in total. We try to do it regularly. We receive a lot of feedback on our products and present them to new customers. For us, the main task is to demonstrate new products as well as the entire product line to our customers.
“The exhibition is attended by our main buyers who are ready to cooperate. We mainly conclude long-term contracts and work for the future: both expanding our product range and attracting new customers.
“Here is the maximum coverage of potential buyers, as Prodexpo is the largest exhibition in our country.”
Konstantin Kurov, Director General at Management Company of the Gotek Group
“Prodexpo is one of the best platforms for those involved in the food industry. We have a large number of both existing and potential customers, i.e. those who, like us, are involved in the supply chain.
“If we talk about the ‘open stand’ concept: we are ready to cooperate, and sometimes we imagine ourselves as a kind of ‘space station’ to which everyone can dock to find something useful and necessary. We are all participants in the supply chain, and without us, i.e. without the manufacturers of products, those who deliver them, those who pack them, it is impossible to function, in general.
“This trade show is very busy and useful. It is a great platform to continue to look for something new together with our clients, find it and move forward.”
Lyubov Kondratova, Commercial Director at YuZh Group
“The Yuzh Group has taken part in the Prodexpo exhibition for many years. We try to participate every year. The trade show is a great opportunity for us to present our new products, as well as to hold negotiations with current and potential partners. This year we see a large flow of professional target audience. These are our target clients, exactly the audience we need.
“We always try to launch a new product and fully prepare it for the exhibition, as Prodexpo is a global event where professional buyers from Russia and other countries come. Here we present the product, offer to taste it and get extended feedback, so the exhibition is a great opportunity to announce our new products and present them to the target audience.”
Ekaterina Ivanova, Chief Specialist at Republic of Kalmykia Export Support Centre
“The Export Support Centre of the Republic of Kalmykia has participated in Prodexpo since 2019. This large-scale international trade show is a great opportunity for the entrepreneurs of our republic to make themselves known and expand the geography of their partners. Every year we try to increase the number of countries to which we export goods. We hope that this year the list will be even longer.
“There are only positive emotions from the event. Here we gain experience and share it. Prodexpo also provides new export opportunities: we already have many new applications from entrepreneurs. The exhibition is attended not only by buyers from Russia, but also by a great many foreign customers, so we will certainly come here again, and more than once.”
Irina Malakhova, Lead Specialist at Southern Regional Export Support Centre ANO
“We keep coming back with contracts from Prodexpo. This trade show is one of the key ones, so it is interesting for us and our entrepreneurs: everyone wants to get to it. We usually try to take new companies to show the full potential of the Republic of Crimea, and also to show these companies what Prodexpo is all about. Often, companies that attended the trade show with us try to participate in it again, but already with an individual stand, that is, to come to this event on their own, because they now know about its high efficiency and scale.
“There were foreign partners at Prodexpo whom we had been waiting for. There were guests from Belarus for the B2B negotiations we had planned in advance. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and the UAE are interested in our products. We are very happy and hope that there will be more foreign partners before the end of the exhibition. Prodexpo is indeed a key exhibition, and I hope that next year nothing will change, i.e. we will again take new enterprises and show the potential of our republic.”
Sergey Sokolov, Development Director at Aronap Coffee and Chicory Plant
“We have come a long way from the 10-sqm booth with a built-up area that EXPOCENTRE provides to our own original architecture: we have had two-storey stands, and every year we increase their size.
“We have started to focus more on the CIS countries and to open up markets that we had not previously considered, such as Uzbekistan or Turkmenistan. And these, by the way, are very broad markets, which are even closer to domestic food habits than European ones.
“The interaction at the exhibition is usually at a high level, and I am always satisfied with the event. Prodexpo is a great holiday for the whole industry. Everyone tries to come, even those who do not intend to exhibit.”
Alexandra Demchenko, Deputy General Director at the Italian Traditions cheese factory
“We have participated in Prodexpo for the fifth year already, we see that the exhibition gives results, new clients appear, that is why we traditionally apply for participation next year during the event.
“The trade show allows you to attract the attention of a potential client to your product. In my experience, about 15-20% of interested visitors become customers, i.e. there is a visible result.
“The Russian consumer has become more demanding over the last ten years. They want to buy high-quality and tasty products from Russian producers, and accordingly we do our best to provide them with what they want.”