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Всероссийский конгресс региональных дистрибьюторов алкоголя собрал на «Продэкспо» ведущих игроков алкогольного рынка России

10 / 02 / 2010

On February 9, All-Russia Congress of Regional Distributors of Alcoholic Beverages, organized by company NAPITKI (RIA NAPITKI), for the fifth time has brought the Russian alcohol market leading players together at Proexpo.

The congress subject was the present and the future of the alcohol business. At the congress leading field analysts, representatives of government bodies discussed the alcohol business realities. Representatives of large alcohol companies shared their anti-crisis programs. State and business interaction became an important subject of the congress. The congress provided an opportunity for representatives of leading regional wholesale companies to meet and share their opinions on the subject.

